Custom blades for all industries

Blade manufacturer

We specialize in manufacturing professional blade of all types, tailored to the specific needs of any business. Whether your company needs blades for industrial, agricultural, manufacturing, or any other application, er are equipped to provide the solution that meets your quality requirements.

With the most advanced technology and a team of experts, we can tackle any challenge, ensuring precision, durability, and efficiency.

  • Custom blades for special applications

  • Blades for the agricultural sector

  • Blades for the textile industry

  • Blades for the paper industry

  • Blades for the plastics industry

  • Blades for the leather industry

  • Blades for the forestry sector

  • Cutting tools for specific applications

Cuchillería profesional a medida - Rectificados Mayer

Our gigh adaptability allows us to design and manufacture any custom blade for any application.

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RESPONSIBLE FOR TREATMENT: TECLES MAYER, S.L. PURPOSE: To address the user's request. LEGAL BASIS: Consent of the data subject. DATA TRANSFERS: No data transfers are foreseen, except by legal obligation or judicial requirement. RIGHTS: Access, rectification, deletion, objection, restriction, portability, revocation of consent. If you consider that the processing of your data does not comply with the regulations, you may contact the Supervisory Authority. ( ⬈). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: More information in our privacy policy.



Over 40 years of experience in precision grinding and blade manufacturing.